One Side of Toilet Paper is Softer Than the Other

December 11, 2009 at 1:23 am 3 comments

This is important, because most people are pretty adamant about the proper orientation of toilet paper.  There are two ways you can put toilet paper on a roll. According to the following video, there is a right way and a wrong way.

They believe the over method is the right way, because it’s easier to find the end of the roll. I agree, it is easier to find the end of the roll using the over method.

Based on a poll at, the over method is most popular.  However, from reading the comments it looks fairly even, perhaps even more people are in favor of the under method.

For most of my life, I thought over was the correct method. But one day, someone on the under side revealed a secret: one side is softer than the other, and if you use the over method you’re probably not using the soft side.

I was in disbelief. There was no way I could be wrong on this issue. Why would anyone intentionally hang toilet paper in any way other than the way that is easiest to find the end of the roll?

I checked my toilet paper immediately. I rubbed each side on the back of my hand and it was clear, one side was much softer than the other. Then I roll played.

I acted out how I normally unroll toilet paper. It was true, I was not using the soft side!

I instantly changed my preference from over to under. It wasn’t until later that I started to think about how long I had been using the rough side.

The really cheap and thin commercial toilet paper is torture on both sides, but if you have anything but that stuff then it’s most likely softer on one side.  Check it out for yourself.

People with cats often prefer the under method because it’s much more difficult for cats to get it off the roll. It’s a good thing we’re smarter and more dexterous than cats.

Photos (creative commons): Aaron Landry | s e l v i n

Entry filed under: Around The House, Despite Popular Belief. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. personalhygieneman  |  August 23, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    Interesting subject.
    I am an over the top guy, and will go so far as to switch it around in bathrooms as I think the under-way is just wrong!
    Form follows function would be the excuse for the under way, but it just looks wrong!
    My perspective, anyway.

  • 2. KOKO  |  February 1, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Hi!! I am looking for this commercial!!! Do you remember which brand this commercial was??? I REALLY need to find it! Thank you.

  • […] Originally Posted by Anastas Dude, above, you fucking kidding me? Well….One Side of Toilet Paper is Softer Than the Other | Broken Secrets […]


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